Fully Optimizing Your Fleet through Strategic Leveraging and Organization.

We’re Here To Handle The Headache Of Fleet management.

Our Fleet Services are offered a la carte (unbundled): you can build, customize, and tailor your program to your exact wants, needs, and preferences. No long-term commitment: Everything is offered month-to-month. We are competitively priced & offer tremendous Value.

How we provide value & insight

  • Complimentary fleet analysis (includes total cost of ownership (TCO), 5-year cycling plan, projected fuel & maintenance costs)

  • Line of credit, TRAC leasing and funding options.

  • Fleet preservation strategy

  • Parts department

  • Service department

  • Remarketing

Our Services

  • Telematics

    Boost efficiency and safety with a powerful telematics solution.

  • Maintenance Repair & Management

    Users can set cost control repair limits and use auto-approval options.

  • Fuel Management

    Take control of fuel expenses with smart fuel card solutions.

  • Title Management

    Simplify your fleet's title management with a streamlined solution.

  • Vehicle Acquisition & Management

    Optimize your fleet with streamlined vehicle acquisition and management.

  • Roadside Assistance

    Keep your fleet moving with reliable roadside assistance.

How Profitable is Your Fleet?

Thinking beyond what’s simply cost-effective.

With a team of industry experts, we help transform your fleet from a business expense into a profit center.

  • Cash flow analysis

  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)

  • Current cycling strategy and profitability

  • Fuel/service/maintenance expense management

  • Fleet performance and determining factors

  • Risk mitigation strategies

Fleet Management Doesn’t Have To be Hard. Let Our Full-Service Fleet Management System Handle Your Vehicles.

Work With Fleet Management Experts.

(405) 509-1162